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Tuesday, September 24, 2013

Glassup යනු කුමක්ද

Posted by Unknown at 1:33 AM 0 Comments

Glassup යනු google glass මෙන් ක්‍රියාකරණ උපකරණයකි.
මේ මගින් ඊ මේල් , SMS  , ගමන් විස්තර , ක්‍රීඩා , ගමන් විස්තර ඇතුළු තවත් බොහෝ විස්තර බලා ගත හැක. මෙය ක්‍රියා කරනුයේ android, ios හෝ windows  phones  සමගය. මේ පිළිබද විස්තර මෙම video එක මගින් බලන්නකෝ...
එහෙනං මෙන් link  එක.......
පහල  DOWNLOAD button ඒකට click කරලා 5 seconds  වලින් පසුව Skip add  click කරන්න 

  • Weight around 65 grams (tested on our first prototype)
  • On board OS: Android
  • Sensors: accelerometer, compass, ambient light sensor, precision altimeter, perhaps more (the GPS is already on your smartphone, so we don’t need it)
  • Connectivity: Bluetooth LE
  • Optical system, made of a display and a set of lenses and mirrors. The resolution of the display is 320×240. If you ask more details on the optics, you’re a competitor.
  • One day of battery life recharge via mini-usb
  • Lenses: Lenses will be slightly tinted
  • Controls: A touch-pad, with the usual controls (tap, double tap, long press, swipe vertically and horizontally), we are deciding now which ones to keep for us to on/off the projector (probably the long press), the others will be left to the developers to manage the apps.
  • Color combinations: The frame you see in the video is red on white, it’s one of the two versions we plan to sell – the other is green on black
  • Prescription glasses – we get asked all the time, and a hard one: can our GlassUp be used with your prescription lenses? The lens of our GlassUp is very special, so you can not replace it with yours. We are working on a solution. We’ll likely be able to accommodate simple vision defects at a small cost


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